Hey there, long lost blog readers. I promise that I’m not dead, I’m just busy with my off-season to-do list :) I’ve designed and received a lovely new sample album of Karli & Rich’s wedding, I’ve updated my pricing, I’m preparing for A Chic Affair bridal show in a few weeks, and I’m also updating my website. This last task has led me to review the year in photos and it’s been a lot of fun for me. In 2010 I had amazing couples, gorgeous weddings, wonderful memories, and, fortunately, some pretty photos too. I wanted to share some of my favorites with you as a final recap and a goodbye to 2010. So I will post some 2010 pictures every few days, and I will begin this photo parade with favorite engagement images. Check back next week to see more of my favorites, starting with the wedding day getting ready pictures. Thanks and enjoy!

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