Rebecca + Bijan’s romance could be the plot of a blockbuster movie. They met on the first day of Duke University Medical School and quickly became best friends. And, to Bijan’s torture, they remained in that friend zone for two long years before Rebecca came to the same realization that Bijan had – that they would be very happy together as a couple. With this epiphany, Rebecca was suddenly nervous around her bestie, which is just adorable. Fortunately, the two finally admitted their feelings to one another and after years of dating and years of an engagement, they finally tied the knot at Washington Duke Inn! It was a gorgeous wedding – just like the newlyweds – and it included portrait stops at their favorite Duke University locations: Duke Chapel and Duke Gardens! It was the perfect way to celebrate for this pair of Duke University alumni. Washington Duke Inn, Duke Chapel and Duke Gardens were the most gorgeous backdrops for the happy newlyweds.

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