Adorable Mr. Thaddeus was born on December 13th. At just around three months, Thad started to smile and his parents, Piper and Eric, were eager to capture it on film. Unfortunately, Thaddeus wasn’t in a particularly smiley mood on the day I visited – he was more relaxed and curious – but we managed to photograph some equally adorable moments – stretching after his morning nap, intrigued by his favorite toy, and loving up with Mom and Dad. Thad was completely calm and adorable in front of the camera, and although he didn’t give us many smiles, he gave us plenty of other precious expressions. :)
On another note, Piper is the talented graphic designer who designed our wedding invitations back in 2009. To date, I think they are THE coolest wedding invitations ever, but of course I’m biased. Piper is presently designing some marketing materials for me so expect to see more of her work soon!

Rise and shine! Thad does this cute little stretch after every nap.

This expression is hysterical. I had to include it. :)

A brief visit from cute buddy Grace.

I love Thad's expression in this family portrait. :)

And, finally, some of the adorable details in Thad's nursery. :)

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